As part of its 36th anniversary celebration, the UPLB Society of Chemical Engineering Students presents Pinoy Sorbetes: UPLB SChemES Open Tambayan 2022, on September 12, 3:00 PM at UPLB Campus, F-park (in front of DL Umali).
This annual event is organized and facilitated by UPLB Society of Chemical Engineering Students to give new avenues for socialization among students and university constituents. Furthermore, this event is an opportunity to help UPLB students, personnel and other people who are on campus. FREE FOOD and FREE ICE CREAM will be served (until supplies last) that you would really enjoy! Don’t forget to ride the Libreng Sakay Jeep roaming around UPLB campus at the same day.
And to make it even more fun and educational, the UPLB Society of Chemical Engineering Students will be launching its Virtual Exhibit 2022 with the theme “Sustainable PET Packaging.”
To lessen the number of generated plastics, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used since it is the most recyclable plastic in the world. To know more about PET and how it is the most sustainable form of packaging, check out their virtual exhibit this September 11 via UPLB SChemES website.
Realizing Potential. Reshaping Visions. Creating Reality.
For more details, visit the official Facebook page of UPLB SChemES